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◎ News of work exchange recruitment


 Wouldn't you like to experience a work exchange at Gokase? A maid of cleaning in the campsite and a farmer is being recruited. When working, there are various privileges an exchange with a meal offer, stay no charge and the local one.Please inquire detailed recruitment information from following contact form.

Work exchange

Received. Thank you!

Address: 141-イ Sangasyo,Gokase-cho,
Gokasenosato camp mura & GuestHouse

Tel: 090-4475-5005      Fax: 0982-73-6366

Summer season:From April to October 

Winter season:From November to March 

Check-in: 3:00 p.m. Check-out: 10:00 a.m.

A year-end holiday: From December 30 to January 3

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